Frequent Checkups And Cleanings Are Required When You Use Hearing Aids

Man getting a hearing test and annual hearing check up to make sure his hearing aids work.

If you have glasses, you understand you should still visit your eye doctor every year, right? Because, over time, your eyes will change. The fact is, nothing in your body is static, not your eyes and not, the reality is, neither are your ears. That’s the reason why, just as it is with your eyes, it’s essential to keep getting your ears tested even after you get a pair of hearing aids.

Unfortunately, many people miss those regular checkups. Perhaps they’ve been consumed with making the most of their lives to get back in to see their hearing specialist. Or perhaps lately, work has been stressful. Or it’s possible you’ve simply been so satisfied with your hearing aids that you haven’t needed to get another appointment. That should be a good thing, right?

Over time, for individuals suffering from hearing loss, it is even more crucial to have even one follow-up appointment. Even in the face of that, regular care is often ignored. According to one survey, only 33% of seniors with hearing aids also used regular hearing services.

Once You Get Hearing Aids, is it Actually Imperative to go Back For Examinations?

Your hearing is not static. Over time it changes. It’s significant to adjust the hearing aids to counter those changes. Issues can be detected early and your hearing aids can be adjusted accordingly.

And that’s not even the only reason why it may be a smart idea to keep normal checkups with a hearing expert once you start wearing your hearing aids. Here are various reasons why you really should show up for your hearing examinations:

  • Calibrating Hearing Aids: There might be need for yearly adjustment of your hearing aids because of minute changes in your hearing despite the stability of your general hearing. Without this calibration, your hearing aids may progressively become less and less reliable.
  • Degeneration of hearing: Even with a hearing aid, your hearing could continue to deteriorate. If this degeneration is happening over a long period of time, you most likely won’t recognize it’s taking place without the aid of a hearing evaluating. Appropriate alterations to your hearing aids can often slow hearing declines.
  • They may not fit well anymore: The way the hearing aid fits inside your ears will shift due to the constant change in your ear. Your hearing aids were designed to fit in a certain manner and normal examinations can assure they will continue to do so.
  • It’s important to get your hearing aids cleaned professionally from time to time in addition to keeping track of changes in your hearing. We can clean all the small components and keep your hearing in peak conditions and as well as making sure it’s working at peak performance.

    If You Don’t Follow up With Routine Examinations There is a Consequence

    If you get frustrated with your hearing aids, say because they don’t work the way you expected them to, you may just stop using them and that wouldn’t be good. Hearing aids make your overall health better and also, needless to say, makes your hearing better. If you discontinue using your hearing aids, not only can your hearing decline faster, you may not notice it right away. Neglected hearing loss has been associated with many health issues like cognitive decline and increased chance of accidents.

    When it comes to having your hearing aids operating at an ideal level, regular exams are your best bet. In order to be sure your hearing aids are working as they should be you need to have annual hearing examinations. So schedule your hearing appointment right away.

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    The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive a personalized free hearing test and hearing loss consultation, call today to set up an appointment.