TV shows and movies tend to use close-ups (at times extreme close-ups) when the action starts getting really intense. That’s because the human face conveys a lot of information (more information than you’re likely consciously aware of). It’s no stretch to say that humans are very facially focused. So it’s not surprising that the face […]
Once you get accustomed to your hearing aid, it’s difficult to be without it. Your hearing aids are, after all, your link to the world around you. But it will occasionally have to be upgraded or replaced just like all technology. A hearing aid’s average lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the normal […]
A car isn’t really an impulse purchase (unless you’re very, very wealthy). So a great deal of research is probably the first thing you do. You have a good look at things like gas mileage, price point, and customer reviews. Google is your best friend these days. It is sensible to do this amount of […]
Do you remember those gallon buckets of ice cream you used to find at supermarkets? As a kid, they were awesome because they promised a whole gallon of ice cream, that’s a lot of frozen custard and high-fructose corn syrup! But as you grow up, you start to get a bit more particular. Your ice […]
You take care of your hearing aids. When you go to sleep, you always put them comfortably on the charger and you clean them every day. But you get pretty distressed when your hearing aids abruptly stop working the way they used to. There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue, […]
While it may be true that older hearing aids are better than no hearing aids, it’s likely that what little advantage you get from them comes at a cost. Hearing aid technology has progressed a great deal in the past few years! Ten years ago many of the features of modern hearing aids weren’t even […]
When it comes to history, there are three distinct kinds of people: people who find history to be incredibly interesting, individuals who think history is horribly dull, and those who believe history is full of aliens. Aliens aren’t behind the history of hearing aids. But the true story is probably pretty strange too. After all, […]
As we get older, we all know that hearing loss and specific mental health concerns can get worse in spite of a healthy, active lifestyle. And a strong link between the two has been discovered by scientists which should never be dismissed. So don’t turn off that hearing aid. Individuals with neglected hearing loss are […]
We’ve all had that itch that seemed impossible to scratch. Okay, there are two ways to think about it: First, you consider something you always wanted to do with your life but so far you haven’t got around to (skydiving, for instance). Or, if you’re a bit less of a romantic, you consider that spot […]
February 23, 2023 | Clear Choice Hearing Aid, Inc. | Hearing Aids News
Musicians rock. They bring so much pleasure to our lives with their songs. But music is so much more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing hazard. The musicians themselves are at an increased risk of hearing damage since they are subjected to loud music just about every day. As you grow […]