Are you familiar with what a cyborg is? You likely imagine a half human, half machine when you think about cyborgs, especially if you love science fiction movies (the human condition is often cleverly depicted with these characters). Hollywood cyborgs can seem extremely bizarre. But the reality is that, technically, anybody who wears a pair […]
You take care of your hearing aids. When you go to sleep, you always put them comfortably on the charger and you clean them every day. But you get pretty distressed when your hearing aids abruptly stop working the way they used to. There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue, […]
While it may be true that older hearing aids are better than no hearing aids, it’s likely that what little advantage you get from them comes at a cost. Hearing aid technology has progressed a great deal in the past few years! Ten years ago many of the features of modern hearing aids weren’t even […]
Hearing loss is a common condition that can be alleviated easily by using hearing aids and assistive listening devices. But hearing loss is often ignored and untreated. For individuals with hearing loss, this can bring about feelings of social-separation and depression. It can also cause a breakdown in personal and work relationships, which itself contributes […]
Back in the old days they were called “books-on-tape”. Back then, of course, we didn’t even have CDs never mind streaming services. Nowadays, people refer to them as audiobooks (which, to be honest, is a far better name). An audiobook allows you to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s sort of like […]
Do you recall the old tale about Johnny Appleseed? In elementary school, you may have been taught that he migrated across the US, bringing the gift of nourishing apples to every community he paid a visit to (the moral of the story is that apples are healthy, and you should eat them). That’s only somewhat […]
Have you ever been in the middle of the roadway and your car breaks down? It’s not an enjoyable experience. You have to pull your car safely to the side of the road. And then, for some reason, you probably pop your hood and take a look at your engine. What’s strange is that you […]
When it comes to history, there are three distinct kinds of people: people who find history to be incredibly interesting, individuals who think history is horribly dull, and those who believe history is full of aliens. Aliens aren’t behind the history of hearing aids. But the true story is probably pretty strange too. After all, […]
As we get older, we all know that hearing loss and specific mental health concerns can get worse in spite of a healthy, active lifestyle. And a strong link between the two has been discovered by scientists which should never be dismissed. So don’t turn off that hearing aid. Individuals with neglected hearing loss are […]
We’ve all had that itch that seemed impossible to scratch. Okay, there are two ways to think about it: First, you consider something you always wanted to do with your life but so far you haven’t got around to (skydiving, for instance). Or, if you’re a bit less of a romantic, you consider that spot […]