February 23, 2023 | Clear Choice Hearing Aid, Inc. | Hearing Aids News
Musicians rock. They bring so much pleasure to our lives with their songs. But music is so much more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing hazard. The musicians themselves are at an increased risk of hearing damage since they are subjected to loud music just about every day. As you grow […]
February 16, 2023 | Clear Choice Hearing Aid, Inc. | Hearing Test Info
Hearing loss is challenging, if not impossible, to self-diagnose. For instance, you can’t really put your ear up to a speaker and subjectively evaluate what you hear. That means that if you want to understand what’s going on with your hearing, you have to get it tested. But there’s no need to worry or stress […]
The majority of people don’t want to discuss the impact hearing loss has on relationships, even though it’s an issue many people cope with. Both partners can feel aggravated by the misunderstandings that are created by hearing loss. This is the ideal time for you to show your love and appreciation for your loved one […]
Have you ever bought one of those “one size fits all” t-shirts only to be disappointed (and surprised) when the shirt does not, in fact, fit as advertised? That’s really frustrating. There aren’t really very many “one size fits all” with anything in the real world. That’s not only true with clothing, it’s also true […]
Feel like you might be forgetting something crucial? You aren’t imagining it. Remembering day-to-day things is becoming more and more difficult. Once you notice it, loss of memory seems to develop quickly. It becomes more incapacitating the more aware of it you become. Most people aren’t aware that there’s a link between memory loss and […]
October 19, 2022 | Clear Choice Hearing Aid, Inc. | Hearing Aids News
Hearing aid domes are cone-shaped silicon devices that can help non-custom hearing aids fit–and work–more efficiently. But they have benefits and drawbacks. […]
October 5, 2022 | Clear Choice Hearing Aid, Inc. | Hearing Aids News
Hypersensitivity to loud sound is often reported in those with hearing loss. The root cause is a condition hearing specialists call auditory recruitment. […]